Since 2006, our expert team of legal and zoning analysis professionals has delivered thousands of zoning reports to borrowers, lenders, law firms, REITs and other real estate professionals.

Our clients benefit from our expansive library of up-to-date municipal zoning ordinances, a dedicated legal-oriented team, quick reporting timelines and the comfort of knowing our conclusions are backed by $1,000,000 in E&O insurance for every zoning report we produce for you.

Zoning Compliance Report

Our comprehensive zoning reports consist of a thorough zoning analysis that will help you and your company minimize risk and ensure that your commercial real estate investments are smart, safe and profitable. Each customized report will contain the following information:

  • A one-page executive summary that succinctly identifies all areas of concern
  • The zoning verification letter from the jurisdiction
  • A compilation of all available zoning/permitting documents on file at each jurisdiction
  • A copy of the zoning ordinance
  • Documentation confirming/denying all code violations (e.g., fire, zoning, building)
  • Original certificates of occupancy and/or building permits
  • A conformance checklist of all zoning characteristics of the property (e.g., setbacks, density, area, parking, building height)
  • An analysis as to whether the existing structure is conforming or non-conforming with the zoning regulations and/or approval documents
  • An analysis regarding the right to rebuild the structure(s) in the event of its partial or total destruction

TIMEFRAME: 10 business days for the draft report (or 5 business days for a Rushed Zoning Report)


Full Zoning Report: Fees start at $600 plus costs imposed by the jurisdiction for the zoning verification letter and/or copies of their files.

Rushed Zoning Report: $150 additional fee

Information Needed:

The following information is required from our clients in order to complete a Full Zoning Report:

  • Work Order Form
  • Current ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey
  • Salient Facts Summary (from the appraisal, PNA, Phase 1, or similar report)